
Building for people

Our cities continue to grow and grow. But what about nature? In Schumacher Quartier we put great emphasis on a design that gives living space to animals and right in the middle of the city.

The Earth is increasingly being shaped by cities. According to UN estimates, by 2050 the populations living in urban centers worldwide will grow by 2.5 billion people. But where does nature fit in with this growth in large cities? A close look shows the following: Nature is already right in the midst of our cities – from moths to bats!

In future this will mean consciously shaping and using urban nature to preserve and enrich species diversity. In urban planning the issue of biodiversity is still a completely new one, and with Animal-Aided Design it is being specifically integrated into the Schumacher Quartier.

Animal-Aided Design is a proprietary term of the landscape design company bgmr Landschaftsarchitekten with Polinna Hauck GbR – Studio Animal-Aided Design. It is a planning method in which open spaces and buildings are designed in such a way that the needs of specific animal species are met. At the same time, the residents of the Quartier are able to rediscover nature.

14 target species for the Schumacher Quartier

Experts have identified 14 promising target species for the Schumacher Quartier. Living conditions appropriate to these species are being created for them in the adjacent Landscape Park on the site of the former airport.



Eichhörnchen, Breitflügel-Fledermaus



Nachtigall, Haubenlerche, Star, Haussperling, Mauersegler, Turmfalke






Schwalbenschwanz, Kleiner Sonnenröschen-Bläuling, Liguster-Schwärmer, Rotbeinige Körbchen-Sandbiene, Nachtigall-Grashüpfer

Open spaces and street areas as well as roofs and building facades are important habitats for the selected target species. Streets and squares are important for their populations to propagate and interact. This is why the configuration of parks and streets creates good conditions in which animals can easily find sufficient food and shelter.

In the private construction lots the diverse structures of planted courtyards, roofs, and facades make their own contribution to an abundance of wildlife, for example by incorporating breeding cavities and nesting aids. Furthermore, high-rise buildings are very good habitat for kestrels and jackdaws, while the planted green facades of the special stone modules (“mobility hubs” on Kurt-Schumacher-Damm or the education campus) provide excellent living conditions for colonial breeders such as starlings.

Downloads on the topic

Biodiversity concept

The comprehensive concept for biodiversity and animal-aided design in the Schumacher Quarter.